Sep 22, 2014

Estes Park

Went up to Estes Park for "The Running of the Bulls" 3.75-miler and saw these two bull moose on the drive up. I wish I had a real camera

View from Lake Estes

Fall foliage on the drive home

Sep 14, 2014

Sep 11, 2014

Glorieta Ghost Town

Up the way from modern Glorieta lies the site of a ruined town that flourished alongside the railroad. In the 1860s, Glorieta sprouted a hotel, two saloons, and four sawmills that employed 250 men, and it became a sportsmen’s headquarters for trips to the north Pecos River basin. Survey the town’s heaped remnants on this 6.4-mile round-trip. From the trail head, you’ll pass the turnoff for the Glorieta Baldy and Broken Arrow Trails before the path narrows and winds back and forth over a small creek. Watch for an old rusting auto and decrepit equipment from a silver mine before emerging into the last in a series of meadows at mile 3.2. Head right to explore the ruins of the Glorieta House, a two-story wooden hotel built in 1883 that finally collapsed on itself 75 years later

Hudson & Trouble