Mar 27, 2014

Mount Falcon

Mount Falcon in Morrison near Red Rocks amphitheater

By the foundation of what was hoped to be the "summer White House"

Earlier that weekend at the 7.77K Erin Go Braugh in Westminster

Mar 10, 2014

Weekend in Snow

5-6 inches of fluffy powder for Hud on Flagstaff

Running the East Portal Road up in Rollinsville. Probably the best place to run this day - plowed and not yet melting as at 9,000' and still 25F

Sunday jaunt up Bald Mountain (that's the name - more like a hill)

Mar 6, 2014

Gregory Trailhead

Flood damage

Flagstaff with Hud

Mesa Trail

Sugarloaf with Hud

Weird Person from Chicago

Bill Densmore - not a stable man. You can tell by the odd clothes he's wearing

Mount Sanitas

View looking south towards Green Mountain


Boulder on a sunnier day